The July has passed. We hardly met each other. No, it was not only due the heavy rains which was the record monsoon that year in Kolkata, but also various unavoidable circumstances. Been it my casual approach, or her idiotic apprehensions, we fought a lot that month, over phone, over chat and through networking sites (Orkut was gaining its popularity that time). And like every fighting couple, we wondered why we had ever started this relationship. Hey, hey, wait…….. was it a relationship at all? I mean till that time was it there?
I cannot answer it now. What was there, what made us to fight in every conversation, I really cannot recollect. But we fought and fought like cats and dogs caught up in the same cage. Anyway, let me arrange my memories once again.
After the then endless fight, we stopped calling each other, I mean I wanted to call, but something deep inside me restricted to dial her number. Why are you acting like a child? She’s not bothered at all, then why are you thinking of her? And I controlled my emotions. And then I mourned.
A day, most probably in first week of August, Ishani called me. It was just seven o’clock in the morning, and I was sleeping very tight. Twice I rejected her calls, but for the third time I didn’t.
“What’s wrong with you Ishani? Why are you calling me now? Am sleeping, bye.”
“Hold on, Soham. It’s me.” The very known voice I wanted to hear for a long appeared on the other side. I couldn’t answer her.
“Hello, are you there? Soham? You there?” She asked me twice.
“Yes, I am. Tell me, what do you want?” Shit, shit shit!! What am I saying!! I didn’t want to answer her in such a fashion, but my ignorance has already risen before I could leave the bed.
“Oh, are you still angry with me?” Her voice was shaking.
“Yeah, a li’l bit.” I couldn’t find out where from these words were coming out, but I was happy that she was behaving differently.
“I am sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you. I know I always fight with you for each and everything. It’s not fair, not at all for a relationship. But trust me, I never thought of losing you.”
What is she saying!! When did I tell her that am leaving her, or so!!
“Not an issue dear. I am not going anywhere.” Finally I could speak my mind.
“Promise me, you won’t fight. Always you will be nice to me. Please don’t stop talking, I cannot take it.”
“When did I stop talking to you? It was you who stopped everything. And I never started any arguments.”
“Please Soham, you know you always do such things, which I cannot take for granted. And never talk to me like that.” She was getting her usual temper back.
“See, you already have started it.” I laughed.
She smiled, I could sense it. “No, I am not. I am just trying to fix it.”
“Why are you calling from Ishani’s mobile?”
“I lost mine.”
“I banged it on the floors the day I last spoke to you, precisely fought with you.” She chuckled.
“See, how costly is your fightings and all. Don’t do that again.”
“I won’t, but you have to be much more responsible for it.”
“I will be. Anyways, are you coming to college today?”
“Sure. I will come with Ishani. I am at her place.”
“Okay, 9:45, canteen.”
“Done. And listen…I love you.”
“It’s okay.”
“Okay? Say it.”
“That you do.”
“I do…what?”
“Forget it.” She hung the phone up. I enjoyed her anger after a long period of time. I couldn’t express how badly I missed her, how eager I was to her from her side, how much I was longing for. But she expressed her everything. And that made my day. I left my bed and rushed to bathroom. Mom was visibly astonished to watch her son brushing at 7:30 in the morning.
“Is there anything special today?” Mom asked.
“Nothing, today I have a special class at 9:45. Please make my breakfast fast.”
She just nodded and entered kitchen.
“And Maa…..”
“I love you.”
TITAN is my nickname. In Greek mythology, Titans were a race of powerful deities, descendants of Gaia and Uranus, that ruled during the legendary Golden Age. I am not so Titanic, though I believe some similarities have been percolated down the line......(LOL!!!) and it is my system... so I named it TITAN TANTRA...
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
টুকরো কথা
হালকা হাসি,
ছোট কথা,
মিষ্টি সময়,
স্বর্গ যথা...
কাটছে যে দিন
নতুন রঙিন,
সেই রঙ্গেতে নতুন পথের বাঁকে,
নতুন যদি জীবন পেলে,
নাহয় একটু রাঙিয়ে নিলে,
একটু সময় ভীষণ কাজের ফাঁকে...
ছোট কথা,
মিষ্টি সময়,
স্বর্গ যথা...
কাটছে যে দিন
নতুন রঙিন,
সেই রঙ্গেতে নতুন পথের বাঁকে,
নতুন যদি জীবন পেলে,
নাহয় একটু রাঙিয়ে নিলে,
একটু সময় ভীষণ কাজের ফাঁকে...
Saturday, 20 November 2010
তোমার মনে একটা পাহাড় আছে,
অনেকটা আঘাত আর কিছুটা কল্পনা তার অভিভাবক
কল্পনা যেদিন নিজ প্রশ্রয়ে আপন জরায়ুতে তার বীজ বপন করলো,
আঘাত সেদিন মাথা ঘামায় নি...
তারপর ধীরে ধীরে সে বীজ এক চিলতে রোদ্দুরকে দেখবে বলে বাড়তে থাকে...
যখন অষ্টম মাসের গর্ভে সে বীজ লাথি মারলো,
তখন তোমার মনে হলো, "এ কে!
আগে তো কখনো দেখিনি"...
কিন্তু বন্ধু,
তখন যে বড় দেরী হয়ে গেছে,
সে বীজ আজ ভূমিষ্ঠ...
আদর করে তার নাম দাও -
দুঃখ বিলাস...
অনেকটা আঘাত আর কিছুটা কল্পনা তার অভিভাবক
কল্পনা যেদিন নিজ প্রশ্রয়ে আপন জরায়ুতে তার বীজ বপন করলো,
আঘাত সেদিন মাথা ঘামায় নি...
তারপর ধীরে ধীরে সে বীজ এক চিলতে রোদ্দুরকে দেখবে বলে বাড়তে থাকে...
যখন অষ্টম মাসের গর্ভে সে বীজ লাথি মারলো,
তখন তোমার মনে হলো, "এ কে!
আগে তো কখনো দেখিনি"...
কিন্তু বন্ধু,
তখন যে বড় দেরী হয়ে গেছে,
সে বীজ আজ ভূমিষ্ঠ...
আদর করে তার নাম দাও -
দুঃখ বিলাস...
Monday, 15 November 2010
ইচ্ছে যখন
হঠাত আজকে ইচ্ছে হলো
পাহাড় হব আমি
নদী হব, সাগর হব,
নাচতে গিয়ে পা হড়কাব
যেমন খুশি হাসতে পারি
হোক না যতই দামি-
মানব না আজ মনের বাধা
নিয়ম ভেঙ্গে গলা সাধা
ছন্দ ভুলে কাব্য যখন
চলতে পথে থামি-
আবার হঠাৎ থমকে গিয়েই
ইচ্ছে আমার ফানুস
রং বেরঙ্গের জ্যোত্স্না সোহাগ
রোদ্দুর ও আজ মিষ্টি হবে
বৃষ্টি ডাকে বন্যাকে আজ
কোমর জলে নামি
এসব কথাই সত্যি হবে
বেবাক হয়ে দেখবে সবাই
সাগর জলে বিন্দু হারাই
ডাকবে তুমি যবে...................
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